vineri, 31 iulie 2009

Quiltering point

I propose an artistic discourse which aims a perception of reality
emergence, referring to a reality presumed by a dichotomic thinking, which
is a main feature of human being and the mankind history.
They may assign social, historical, political, etc., meanings, but I
preferred to place the measure in a deliberately abstracted space.
The single reality set up in the frames of contemporary systems develops
through contradictions, rejections and contra arguments, through exclusions
and inclusions in a system or another.
By suspending the discourse in a relatively abstract zone, I invite the
public to append to the field of vision in front, their personal realities.
This request is autonomous and creative, filling all the vacuums left by a
polar thinking anchored in the current reality.
The proposed affective blackmail may generate meanings which are
supposed to lead us beyond the mere polarity of things.
It is not a demand of getting situated to a side or the other of an axis, it is
a desire of an absence – lapse, quiltering point.